February 24, 2007

Karibuni Glenn and Carol

My parents arrived safely on Tues. night and they've been keeping busy here in Arusha. My dad preached the sermon for Ash Wednesday at the Arusha Community Church and after church I had a group of people over for dinner to meet or visit again with my parents. I cooked some Palouse Enchiladas to give people a taste of my home town and made enough for a small village so my roommates and I have resigned ourselves to eating enchiladas for all of eternity. My parents have visited the hospital, Erik's work, Nashesha's school, and they are now in Ketumbeine visiting the Fribergs. My mom and I did some shopping while my dad went to the UN to sit in on the Rwanda war crime trials.
Paul and Joan dishing up food with my dad on the right and Judith Kipuyu and my mom in the back
Dr. Kipuyu and Judith sitting with Erik and Joan and my roommate, Deborah, on the right
Erik mdogo and Bernice and my dad and other roommate, Liz, on the right
The Rowberg women at Shesha's school

Unfortunately, I've caught this nasty cold so I've been feeling lousy and haven't been much fun the last couple days. I went to a reggae concert with Erik, Bernice, Erik mdogo, and my parents and left before all of them so I could get to bed at a reasonale hour. So the old folks partied later than I did because of this lame cold.
Eric bought a basketball and left it with the landlords kids who take care of our yard. The first started kicking it like a soccer ball, but I tought them to dribble and they enjoy it.
People carry many things on their heads here and I saw a little girl holding a soda can on her head, walking behind her mother who had a large metal jug on her head like she was practicing. It was so cute, but I was in a car and didn't get a picture.
Kent took my roommates and I to Moshi today, which is a little over an hour away from Arusha, toward Kilimanjaro. We went to a flea market to see if we could find gear that climbers had left behind after their trek up Kili. Moshi is lower in altitude than Arusha so it was very hot.
Mt. Kilimanjaro
I begin climbing March 4th and I'll be at the top on March 8th
My time at the hospital ends on Monday and I'm sad to leave my new friends behind. There are 3 interns at the hospital, who are all awesome, and the other doctors and medical students have been so fun to work with.Cleopatra, me, Dr. Gloria Temu, Dr. Lynn Moshi, and Dr. Neema Lema
A girl's dinner with Liz, Gloria, Cleopatra, and Deborah
The power kept going off so we had a romantic candle light dinner.


lmhs said...

Enjoy your last few days at the hospital! I look forward to seeing all sorts of mountain pictures from your climb. I like mountains.

Anonymous said...

Go Thea! Climb that mountain!